Webinar today, Thursday, June 30 16:00 CET
Ilaria Motta and Lorenzo Guglielmetti will discuss a new study describing a short, all-oral regimen for MDR-TB treatment.
More information here: www.tbnet.eu/post/tbnet-webinar-june-2022
Ptbnet fundraising for Ukraine has been successful and continues!
To date the ptbnet Ukraine fundraising appeal has raised more than £14.000 in donations from colleagues and friends. TBnet has been strongly supporting this campaign.
With those funds we have helped three individual ptbnet members and their families, and have financially supported four institutions that were in dire need of external funding:
The National TB Institute in Kyiv
The National Children’s Specialised Hospital «OKHMATDYT»
The Medical School of Kharkiv National University
The Regional TB Dispensary in Kharkiv
More details on how the funding was going to be used by the receiving institutions can be found on the fundraising webpage: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/ptbnet-ukraine-appeal
We encourage you to continue support this campaign and donate if you have the possibility to do so!
Preparation for the TBnet Annual meeting in beautiful Catalonia is in progress!
The Annual TBnet Meeting will take place in Barcelona on September 2d, just before the start of the ERS Congress 2022. The Annual TBnet Meeting will be a live event, however, certain possibility to follow the meeting online will be in place.
The venue will be in the Research Institute Germans Trial I Pujol (IGTP). The participation in this meeting is free for the TBnet members. After the meeting, a joined dinner will be organized (a restaurant booked), but the participants should pay for their meals. Please make your travel arrangements, we have only 2 months left till this event. The program preparation is in progress.
TBnet Circle community is a useful tool for clinical discussions and finding research partners
In May 2022, TBnet has launched a Circle community on the TBnet website. Circle community is closed and can be used for discussions of clinical cases, research initiatives (finding partners for your TBnet studies) and all sorts of networking.
Shortly after this Newsletter, the TBnet members will receive a special mail with an invitation to join the circle community.
Please, keep an eye on this mail, follow the link in the mail and create your Circle community password and profile if you would like to benefit from the Circle.
The essential parts of your Circle profile are your location - city and country - as well as key words for your research interest e.g. “sequencing, diagnostic, MDR-TB treatment”. Clear key words and location will make your profile useful for those who plan multicentre TBnet studies.
Meet TBnet partners: the Centre of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (CTBLD) of Riga East University hospital
In the section “Meet TBnet partners” we provide descriptions of centers and organizations that cooperate with the TBnet and who’s staff members are engaged in the TBnet network.
The Centre of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (CTBLD) of Riga East University hospital, based in Latvia, specializes in pneumology, tuberculosis (TB), and thoracic surgery. CTBLD is also the leading institution in the country in TB and drug-resistant TB patients’ diagnosis and care, with the capacity to provide comprehensive diagnostic tests, inpatient and outpatient treatment for patients with TB and other lung diseases. High standards in clinical care are ensured by efficient multidisciplinary teamwork and integration of pneumology, invasive diagnostic testing, and thoracic surgery.
In1999 Latvian National TB program and CTBLD with the support of the international partners established an international health care personnel capacity and competence-building center of excellence in treating and managing drug-resistant TB. In 2004, the World Health Organization (WHO) honored the Center by designating the prestigious status of the WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Training in Management of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (WHO CC Latvia).
WHO CC Latvia has extensive experience in the organizing different international training courses, conferences, symposiums, and scientific/technical exchange of experience visits, attracting participants from all over the world, as well as the experience in in-country capacity building and provision of technical assistance, especially in countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. WHO CC has been involved in different international projects, addressing the key challenges in TB control, as well as participated in the collaborative research on the implementation of the novel diagnostic tools, medicines, and treatment regimens and conducted operation research to support the implementation of the standards of people-centered TB care. Since 2004 more than 3000 participants from over 60 countries have taken part in the WHO CC Latvia training activities.
Most of the training activities are conducted at the CTBLD and are practice-based, addressing not only the WHO and international recommendations and evidence in treatment and management of DR-TB, but also demonstrating the country's TB program`s successful experience, strategies, and approaches to TB control.
The administrative work of the center is coordinated by two Ligas - Dr. Liga Kuksa, who is head of the center since 2016 and also chair of the TBnet, while administrative assistance is ensured by Liga Rusmane, who is also the TBnet admin. The faculty of WHO CC Latvia involves more than 20 clinicians, specialists, and scientists, most of them are internationally recognized experts in DR-TB.
