TBnet webinar today
Today, Thursday 28 March, at 14:30 CET: our next webinar entitled "Targeted next- generation sequencing for detection of drug-resistant tuberculosis: intended use, challenges and research priorities"
More information about the webinar and the link to join:
Please note that this webinar is at 14:30 CET, which is a one-off change due to travelling of the speakers. Next webinars will be held at our normal time - 17:00 CET.
Another webinar today: UNITE4TB webinar
Panel discussion on community engagement in TB action
Today, Thursday 28 March, at 13:00 CET
With a focus on community engagement in TB treatment and care, the session aims to impart an understanding of the importance of community engagement in TB action, the link between civil society and TB care, and the specific challenges faced when it comes to engaging in clinical trials.
The speakers are Dr Paul Sommerfeld (London, United Kingdom), Dr Lucica Ditiu (Geneva, Switzerland), and Ms Olya Klymenko (Kyiv, Ukraine).
More information and registration: https://www.unite4tb.org/newsroom/events/unite4tb-webinar-panel-discussion-community-engagement-tb-action
The TBnet World TB Day Photo Competition is still open

The competition invites submissions on the theme of “Moments of Hope” and closes on 8th April 2024. The winner will have their travel costs to the next TBnet Annual Meeting paid (up to a total of €500).
Full details can be found on the website at https://www.tbnet.eu/post/tbnet-world-tb-day-photo-competition-moments-of-hope
We are excited to see what creative entries our members will come up with in the next few days!
Call to members: a new TBnet study
“SURVERY TB” - An Europe-wide Survey to evaluate the Role of Adjunctive Surgery in the Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
The goal of this survey of healthcare professionals is to evaluate the role of adjunctive surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. It only takes 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire. We would be very grateful for your participation. Please feel free to share the link among your colleagues.
Link to the project description: https://www.tbnet.eu/euro-survey-tb
Link to the survey:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us under idris@med.uni-frankfurt.de
Opportunity to feedback on antimicrobial resistance white paper ahead of United Nations High-Level Meeting
Last year, many academics and healthcare workers engaged in the United Nations High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) on TB with great success. Building on these experiences, Campaigns in Global Health (CGH) have been working with TB researchers and clinicians from over 25 countries to try to develop some aligned messaging and recommendations to support their engagement in the UNHLM on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) this year.
You can find out more about this project and a summary of the key themes we have identified here. Please consider adding your own thoughts via this Google Form. The deadline for feedback is 2 April 2024.
Thank you in advance. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Christoph Lange (clange@fz-borstel.de) or to Janika Hauser from Campaigns in Global Health, who is helping to coordinate this group (janika@cghproject.org)
World TB Day: two videos to watch and two papers to read
On 24 March millions around the globe came together to commemorate World TB Day. The theme of World TB Day 2024 – ‘Yes! We can end TB!’ – conveys a message of hope that getting back-on-track to turn the tide against the TB epidemic is possible through high level leadership, increased investments and faster uptake of new WHO recommendations. Following the commitments made by Heads of State at the UN High Level meeting in 2023 to accelerate progress to end TB, this year's focus shifts to turning these commitments into tangible actions.
Read more on WHO World TB Day 2024 Campaign: https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-tb-day
An ADVANCE-TB and TBnet survey focused on TB and mental health
A deterioration in both mental and physical health frequently go together for people with TB disease, and the WHO guidelines have identified mental health as a key aspect of TB management. ADVANCE-TB and TBnet have partnered together to launch a study to map the gaps relating to the management of mental health in the context of TB treatment in the European region.
Stakeholder perspectives on UNITE4TB
To commemorate World TB Day, UNITE4TB asked experts in the field to comment on the importance of investing in TB research and development. Watch the new video featuring Charles Wells of the Bill & Melinda Gates Medical Research Institute, Cherise Scott of Unitaid, and Kelly Dooley of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Operational research as a mechanism to improve treatment outcomes for drug-resistant TB in the WHO European Region
Almost 1,500 people are treated for drug-resistant TB in the European region. An innovative operational research project is investigating three novel, all-oral, 9-month treatment regimens in 13 countries. The project will demonstrate real-world effectiveness of the regimens while building capacity and research infrastructure.
Read the paper here:
TBnet News
Editor – Irina Kontsevaya
Layout & formatting – Liga Rusmane
Cover picture – Irina Kontsevaya
