Dear TBnet members,
We would like to invite you to our monthly TBnet webinar on the 25th of April at 18:00 entitled "Role of antiTNF for the treatment of paradoxical reactions during TB treatment".
Join us on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 833 6472 7222
Passcode: 058542
Anne Bourgarit is an internal medicine physician, clinical and researcher immunologist with an interest in inflammation in TB immune response specially in IRIS and paradoxical reaction. She is based in Sorbonne Paris Nord University Bondy’s hospital (Seine Saint Denis) for her clinical practice and Center of Immunology and Infectious Diseases (UMR SU INSERM 1135) in Paris 13e for her research.
Simone Tunesi is an infectious diseases physician focused on TB clinical management. Currently working in Alessandria, Italy, with past experiences in France, including a Sanatorium, and in a rural health service in Senegal. His research works include clinical management of DR TB, coadministration of DAAs and second line TB drugs and the role of T-SPOT in lymphadenitis diagnosis. Simone is a member of the Steering Committee in charge of Clinical Tuberculosis area.
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