This year TBnet will be holding a photo competition open to members to mark the occasion of World TB Day!
The discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was announced 142 years ago on 24th March, and each year the global TB community celebrates this landmark occasion. In keeping with this, the Steering Committee for TBnet is inviting photo submissions from our membership on the theme of “Moments of Hope”.
The person who submits the photo with the highest number of votes will win the top prize of having their travel expenses paid to come to the 2024 TBnet Annual Meeting*.
In addition, the top three selections will have the honour of being used as the heading banner over the next three editions of the TBnet newsletter in recognition of their achievement.
To take part, please send your submission to liga.r@tbnet.eu by 1700 CET on 24th April 2024. Pictures can be submitted in either .jpeg or .pdf format and please include a short description of the photo in your email of 150 words or less. Our membership tirelessly works to better the lives of those affected by TB, and we hope to use this competition to celebrate their amazing accomplishments. We encourage everyone to take part, and be as creative as possible!
*Travel costs will constitute a return trip to the city hosting the TBnet Annual Meeting from the winner’s city of residence up to a total of €500. Accommodation and subsistence will not be included in the costs covered, and the award for first place will be reviewed and agreed by the TBnet Steering Committee prior to awarding.
Any entries that include an image of an individual must have a separate statement that confirms the individual(s) have given there consent to be included in the entry for the TBnet World TB Day photo competition, or they will be considered ineligible.
