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TBnet News October 2022


Clinical TBnet webinar

Thursday, October 27 @ 16:00 CET there will be a TBnet webinar – a discussion of an important study/paper covering Bedaquiline – Pretomanid – Linezolid regimens. Check the paper that will be peresented and the webinar scope here:

Set the alarm clock not to miss this webinar!


ADVANCE-TB, COST – what is this new project about?

ADVANCE-TB is a new COST project developed by the team of Jose Dominguez, IGTP, Barcelona, Spain in collaboration with TBnet and several other networks.

More information about the project and the Memorandum of Understanding can be found on the COST webpage:

The project started on September 29 by a lively kick-off meeting in Brussels.

Newly appointed management committee (MC) members started to work and elected Alicia Lacoma, IGTP, Barcelona, Spain as the project Chair and Sven Hoffner, Karolinska Institute, Sweden as the Vice-Chair.

Several colleagues were elected to the necessary project roles such as the Grant Awarding Coordinator, the Science Communication Coordinator and the Working Group leaders.

There are four Working Groups (WG) in the project:

  • Clinical cohorts of patients

  • Development and evaluation of novel diagnostic methods

  • Designing and improving TB therapeutical strategies

  • Communication and dissemination

Currently, WG 2 and 3 joins over 30 colleagues each. WG 1 and 4 have over 10 members each.COST projects are designed in such a way that those who can and are interested to contribute to the project could join the group of interest by applying at the project website:

Good luck to Advance-TB, COST for the coming 4 years of its activity!


UNITE4TB, - first year highlights are available

UNITE4TB, a project where TBnet is a partner has turned 1 year old this summer. Here are some highlights of the past year for UNITE4TB. Check out!


TBnet Newsletter is changing name

Starting form this issue, the famous TBnet Newsletter that has been around for almost 2 years will change its name to the TBnet News.

This is because “Newsletter” is quite a boring name and Olena Rzhepishevska, the editor-in-chief of the TBnet Newsletter, decided to switch to something more funny - or at least shorter.

Bye-bye the TBnet Newsletter, welcome the TBnet News!


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