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TBnet Newsletter August 2021

Writer's picture: majareimannmajareimann

1. An extra TBnet Webinar on Childhood Tuberculosis today

Thursday, August 26th @ 16:00 CET

The panel of experts and the audience will discuss a case of paediatric tuberculosis, its development and management.

Here you will find more information about the webinar and the link to connect:

2. TBnet Annual Meeting 2021 save the date!

The meeting will be online on the 7th of October Meeting starts @ 16:00 and ends @ 18:30

There will be a number of important administrative and scientific activities – more information and program will follow in September.

3. Reminder: TBnet members are invited to join the Pragmatic Optimized Rifampicin Trial (PORT), a new TBnet study

Read the project draft and see the clarifying slides at the project space, TBnet website, you need to log-in to access the project details:

PORT The information at the project space is being updated – keep an eye on it.

In case of questions contact the project contact point who’s mail is provided there.

Objective of the study in brief: the primary objective is to describe and compare the incidence of hepatotoxicity in standard-of-care and in a regimen

with 1800 mg rifampicin in patients with rifampicin-susceptible tuberculosis. We identified hypotheses for non-inferiority. The null hypothesis is that

the regimen with an optimized (higher) dose of rifampicin is associated with more hepatotoxicity than the regimen with the standard dose.

The alternative hypothesis is that there is no difference in hepatotoxicity between the regimen with an optimized (higher) dose of rifampicin

and the regimen with the standard dose. In this case, the regimen with an optimized (higher) dose is non-inferior to the regimen with a standard dose of rifampicin.

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