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TBnet News July 2023


Updated: Jul 18, 2023

Today, Thursday 13 at 16:00 – TBnet webinar on NTM infections

The webinar will include case presentation and a kenote lecture on NTM-pulmonary diseases. More information about the webinar and the link here:


TBnet Annual Meeting aka General Assembly & TBnet election 2023

Over 100 TBnet members have registered to the TBnet Annual Meeting aka TBnet General Assembly. The preparation to the meeting is ongoing including the election to Steering Committee (SC) of the TBnet. Every member working at the WHO European Region can apply to the open positions at the SC – deadline July 27. Please also participate in the online opinion poll as for the candidates – will be opened after July 27. Final election will take place in Milan, September 08.


TBnet Academy Riga 2023 – report & advocacy statements of the participants

TBnet Academy in Riga, Latvia May 2023 was a great success! It gathered participants from European countries and all over the world.

Christoph Lange, TBnet SC member for Education was the main organiser of the Academy and a number of TBnet members contributed as mentors and lectures at the course. Liga Kuksa, the TBnet Chair hosted the course at the TB and Lung Disease Centre and WHO CC for Research and Training in Management of MDR TB of Riga East University Hospital, Latvia. This year’s TBnet Academy was conducted in collaboration with UNITE4TB. Apart from lectures, visit to the TB ward and TB laboratory, the participants together with their mentors have prepared advocacy statements respective to different clinical fields: epidemiology & prevention, diagnostics, treatment, NTM and childhood tuberculosis. Read the statements and see the onsite art presentations here - compiled by Liga Rusmane.


European Advanced Course on Clinical Tuberculosis - Registration

The course is organised in Athens, Greece 25th-27th of October 2023 by Karolinska Institute in collaboration with Hellenic Thoracic Society, KNCV, FILHA & TBnet. The course offers a comprehensive update of clinical care as well as cutting-edge science. The course faculty (HTS, Filha, TBnet, KNCV and Karolinska Institutet) has vast experience in the field of clinical TB, and during the course you will have the possibility to ask, discuss and network. Regular course fee is 450 euro and student fee is 250 euro.

All information can be found here:


Swedish National TB day in cooperation with Advance-TB, COST

Swedish National TB day and “Metabolomics in TB and other infections” workshop will take place at Umeå University, Sweden August 31- September 1st. The meeting will be focused on innovations in TB diagnostics and treatment. It is organized in cooperation with Advance-TB COST project where TBnet has been a participant.

If you wish to participate onsite and get lunch during the meeting days, register before July 15:


TBnet News

Editor - Olena Rzhepishevska

Layout & formatting - Liga Rusmane

Cover picture - Johannes Eimer

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