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Support the letter to UN General Assembly - Researchers & Healthcare Workers at UNHLM TB 2023!


The UK Academics and Professionals to End TB Network is coordinating an international sign-on letter to the President of the UN General Assembly and the two Co-Facilitators of the forthcoming UN High-Level Meeting on tuberculosis (TB).

The letter calls for the inclusion of researchers and healthcare workers during the meeting, alongside affected communities, civil society and other key stakeholders. It also reiterates the call, issued by the Stop TB Partnership, for the High-Level Meeting to take place in 'Leaders Week' when the most Heads of State attend the General Assembly.

The full letter can be accessed here and you can add your signature following the link: Letter to UN General Assembly - Researchers & Healthcare Workers at UNHLM TB 2023 (

The deadline to add your signature is COB 7th December 2022.

If you would like to support this letter but are not an academic or healthcare worker, your signature will be included in a separate "support from other partners and stakeholders" section to show wider support for the inclusion of the academic and professional voice.

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