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TBnet News October 2023


Today, Thursday 26 October, 16:00 CEST: TBnet webinar on TB advocacy

Mobilising the voice of academics and healthcare workers: the UN High Level Meeting on TB and beyond. More information about the webinar and the link can be found here:


Happening right now: European Advanced Course on Clinical Tuberculosis in Athens, Greece

The course is organized by the Karolinska Institutet together with Hellenic Thoracic Society and is held in Athens, Greece, on 25-27 October 2023.

The course offers a comprehensive update of clinical care as well as cutting-edge science. The topics covered include novelties in diagnosis of TB infection and TB disease, new treatment regimens and treatment among special groups.

TBnet team - Christoph Lange, Graham Bothamley, Lorenzo Guglielmetti and Liga Kuksa

The course faculty (HTS, Filha, TBnet, KNCV and Karolinska Institutet) has vast experience in the field of clinical TB, and during the course participants have the possibility to ask, discuss and network.

This year 87 participants representing 17 countries are attending the course.

Keep an eye on the information about the course next year!


The new TBnet study has been published

Migration-associated tuberculosis in Europe

One third of tuberculosis patients in Europe are born abroad. In order to achieve elimination of tuberculosis, strategies for active case detection and prevention of tuberculosis must address foreign-born individuals. However, there is limited evidence regarding risk assessment, curative and preventive management of tuberculosis in foreign-born individuals in low-incidence countries for tuberculosis in Europe.

In order to evaluate the risk of tuberculosis in foreign-born individuals in Europe researchers from the TBnet collected data from all EU member states plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the UK on the incidence of tuberculosis in foreign-born individuals in these countries. Subsequently, TBnet researchers compared the data to data provided by the World Health Organization on the incidence of tuberculosis in the countries of origin of foreign-born individuals living in Europe. The authors identified 9116 tuberculosis patients among 22,459,454 foreign-born individuals from 85 migrant populations in Europe.

Results from this study show that the burden of tuberculosis among foreign-born individuals is highly diverse and heterogeneously distributed across Europe. Therefore, a high tuberculosis incidence rate in a person’s country of origin is often not aligned with the risk of tuberculosis in their country of new residence.

“The tuberculosis incidence rate in the country of origin is an insufficient indicator when addressing foreign-born populations for active case finding or tuberculosis prevention policies in Europe,”

says Dr. Anca Vasiliu from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston (TX), USA, and one of the first authors of the study published open access in EUROSURVEILLANCE.

“Tuberculosis elimination strategies should be informed by regularly collected country-specific data to ensure that rapidly changing epidemiology and associated risks are addressed,”

adds Niklas Köhler from the Research Center Borstel, Leibniz Lung Center in Germany who also shares the first authorship of this study.


Vasiliu A*, Köhler N*, et al., TBnet. Tuberculosis incidence in foreign-born people residing in European countries in 2020. Euro Surveill. 2023 Oct;28(42). doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.42.2300051. PMID: 37855907; *equal contribution


4th International Meeting on Childhood Tuberculosis

The Paediatric Tuberculosis Network Europe (pTBnet) is an international network of paediatricians promoting clinical research in the field of paediatric tuberculosis, sharing and developing ideas and research protocols. pTBnet welcomes you to the 4th International Meeting on Childhood Tuberculosis in Barcelona in February 2024.

This is the only international meeting that focuses exclusively on the prevention and treatment of TB in children and adolescents. Long neglected, under-diagnosed and under-reported, the importance of paediatric TB has finally been recognised in the last 15 years and important research questions are being addressed. Such research needs to be translated into policy and clinical practice changes on the ground. This meeting aims to bring together top international experts and speakers with paediatricians and other professionals involved in day-to-day paediatric TB consultations.


Clinical Decision-Making for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Short Course

Medical graduates working in the field of drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR TB) are invited to join this 10-week blended learning course on the clinical aspects and decision-making of DR TB diagnosis and care.


TBnet News

Deputy Editor – Irina Kontsevaya

Layout & formatting – Liga Rusmane

Cover picture – Irina Kontsevaya

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