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TBnet news December 2023


Today, Thursday 28 December, 16:00 CET: the last TBnet webinar of the year 2023 "TB-UPDATE - a year in review"

More information about the webinar and the link to join can be found here:


UNITE4TB Newsletter December 2023

TBnet is proud to be part of the UNITE4TB consortium, the largest public-private partnership for accelerating the development of new treatment regimens for TB. Please read the December edition of the UNITE4TB Newsletter with a round-up of key project highlights from this year:


Invitation to participate in new study "Availability of mental health management in the context of TB diagnosis and during TB treatment across WHO European Region"

A new collaborative study between TBnet and the Advance-TB COST consortium has been published on our website, and here is the statement from the project coordinators:

"We want to invite you to participate in the study entitled "Availability of mental health management in the context of TB diagnosis and during TB treatment across WHO European Region", coordinated by Olena  Rzhepishevska, Olha Konstantynovska and Cris Vilaplana.

There is a continuously increasing body of evidence that mental health disorders increase TB morbidity and mortality and vice versa. In spite of this evidence, we hypothesise that mental health both in diagnosis and during TB treatment is underreported, poorly managed and appropriate guidelines are potentially missing in the WHO European Region. 

The aim of this project is to map the gaps in reporting and managing concomitant TB and mental health issues across WHO European Region, to identify the improvement opportunities, and to propose recommendations. To conduct this study, we need your feedback and help. 

The study is proposed as a collaboration of TBnet and Advance-TB COST Consortia. The study has 3 phases. During Phase 1, a questionnaire will be distributed to the TBnet consortium and the COST Action Advance for TB (CA21164). Delegates per country will be appointed among those answering the questionnaire. Data collected will be complemented with data available from local/regional/state governments and public agencies and analysed together to allow the comparison across the WHO European Region. The results will help us to map the gaps in the field and the improvement opportunities.  Phase 2 will consist in sharing the analysis with the end-users and stakeholders to get their feedback on the results obtained, and as a result of our work we will issue a consensus statement. 

If you would like to participate please answer this questionnaire:

Thank you so much in advance,

Olha, Olena & Cris"


Holiday read

In the past few weeks, we have seen a number of important publications on TB coming out. If you have not had time to read them yet, Christmas holidays can be a good time for that.



Season`s Greetings

TBnet News

Editor – Irina Kontsevaya

Layout & formatting – Liga Rusmane

Cover picture – Irina Kontsevaya

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Claudia Dobler
May 05, 2024

Is the date for the TBnet meeting before the ERS conference 2024 already confirmed?

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