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New TBnet study!


New TBnet study: Xpert MTB/RIF false positive results in patients with tuberculosis: risk factors and impact on clinical outcome

Principle Investigator: Irina Kontsevaya

False positive Xpert result, when Xpert is positive but the culture from the same sputum is negative, can have an impact on TB treatment outcome and risk of TB relapse. Rifampicin resistance falsely detected by Xpert and not detected by phenotypic drug susceptibility testing may lead to the development of additional resistance to anti-TB drugs.

The study aims to conduct a retrospective data analysis of the frequency and risk factors of false positive Xpert results and their impact on treatment outcomes and the risk of TB relapse in patients with drug-susceptible and drug-resistant TB with and without HIV co-infection.

More about the study and how to participate is on the TBnet website:


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